


Welcome to our gallery of mockups of some of the more popular AI-related, development-related, or otherwise stylish, well-crafted sites that are currently out there. These are not identical clones, but rather a new little twist on the originals built by Evan Marie with Remix and Tailwind CSS. If there is one you'd like to see that is not currently in the mockup gallery, do not hesitate to contact us and let us know! Click on the mockups below to navigate to each page, and you can compare them to the originals also linked below.

original: Airbnb

original site image

Airbnb is a global online marketplace for lodging and tourism experiences, revolutionizing how people travel by allowing hosts to offer their private spaces for rent. Founded in 2008, the platform connects travelers with unique accommodations worldwide, from city apartments to country cottages, providing a more personalized and authentic travel experience. Beyond stays, Airbnb also facilitates 'Experiences,' offering locals and experts a platform to host activities or skills, further broadening the travel experience for its users.


mockup: Airbnb-Mockup

original website image


original: Tesla

original site image

Tesla, Inc. is an American technology company founded in 2003 that focuses on the development and manufacturing of electric vehicles and clean energy products, including battery energy storage systems, solar panels, and solar roof tiles. Tesla's product line aims to contribute to the global transition toward sustainable energy. The company has been influential in the electric vehicle industry, promoting the adoption of electric vehicles worldwide.


mockup: Tesla-ish

original website image


original: Anthropic AI

original site image

Anthropic is a prominent AI safety and research company based in San Francisco, known for its cutting-edge work in developing reliable and beneficial artificial intelligence systems.


mockup: Anthropic-esque AI

original website image


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