Framer Motion's useAnimation Hook: Master Animation Control

Framer Motion's useAnimation Hook: Master Animation Control
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Evan Marie Carr



A comprehensive guide to mastering Framer Motion's useAnimation hook, demonstrating how to create sophisticated, dynamic animations through real-world examples and best practices



Web Development

Mastering Animation Control with Framer Motion's useAnimation Hook

In modern web development, smooth animations can make or break a user experience. While Framer Motion provides a wide range of out-of-the-box animation capabilities, there are times when you need even finer control, when a dynamic animation idea comes into your mind and your want to make it a part of your application or website. For this, we have the useAnimation hook, Framer Motion’s imperative animation API that empowers developers to directly manipulate animations based on events, conditions, or sequences.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll dive deep into the world of useAnimation, exploring its features, best practices, and real-world applications. By the end of this post, you'll have the knowledge and tools to create sophisticated, performant animations that will delight your users and set your applications apart.

What is useAnimation?

useAnimation is a custom hook provided by Framer Motion that returns an AnimationControls object. This object allows you to manually start, stop, and control animations on one or more motion components. Unlike basic Framer Motion animations that are typically triggered by changes in props or state, useAnimation gives you fine-grained control over when and how animations occur.

How useAnimation differs from basic Framer Motion animations

While basic Framer Motion animations are declarative and automatically triggered, useAnimation provides an imperative approach. This means you have direct control over the animation lifecycle, allowing you to create complex sequences, coordinate multiple elements, and respond to user interactions or other events in real-time.

Key methods of AnimationControls

The AnimationControls object returned by useAnimation comes with several powerful methods

start(definition, transitionOverride?) - Initiates the animation. The definition is an object of properties you want to animate, and transitionOverride can be used to customize how the animation behaves.

stop() - Stops all running animations on the attached motion components instantly, without completing them.

set(definition) - Immediately sets values on the motion component without an animation. Useful for resetting or pre-setting component properties.

mount() - Automatically handled by Framer Motion to attach controls to a component.

unmount() - Automatically handled by Framer Motion to clean up resources when the controls are no longer needed.

Basic Usage of useAnimation

Let's start with a simple example to illustrate how useAnimation works.

X and Y Axes

Current Animation: stopped


The XandYAxes component demonstrates the power and flexibility of Framer Motion's useAnimation hook. Here's how useAnimation is employed in this component:

Initialization - The component initializes the animation controls using const controls = useAnimation().

Sequential Animation - useAnimation enables the creation of complex sequential animations. Here's a simple example using both X and Y axis movements.

const sequence = async () => {
  // Start moving the component 13vh to the right
  await controls.start({ x: "13vh" });
  // Move it back to the left by 13vh
  await controls.start({ x: "-13vh" });
  // Move it down by 13vh
  await controls.start({ y: "13vh" });
  // Move it back up to the original Y position
  await controls.start({ y: "-13vh" });
  // Reset both X and Y coordinates
  await controls.start({ x: 0, y: 0 });

Each controls.start() call returns a promise, allowing the use of await to ensure animations occur in sequence.

Triggering the Animation - The sequence is triggered within a useEffect hook, ensuring it runs when the component mounts.

useEffect(() => {
  // Call the sequence function when the component mounts
  // Adding controls as a dependency ensures that the sequence is re-run
  // whenever the controls object is updated
}, [controls]);

By using useAnimation, this component achieves fine-grained control over a multi-step animation sequence, demonstrating how to move an element along both X and Y axes in a predetermined order.


Exploring Framer Motion's Animation Properties

Framer Motion offers a rich set of properties that you can animate, allowing you to create diverse and engaging visual effects. Understanding these properties is important for mastering animation in your React applications. Let's explore the main categories of animatable properties

Transform Properties

These properties allow you to manipulate the position, scale, and rotation of elements

x, y, z - Translate elements in 2D or 3D space.

scale, scaleX, scaleY - Grow or shrink elements.


Current Animation: stopped


rotate, rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ - Rotate elements in 2D or 3D.


Current Animation: stopped


skew, skewX, skewY - Apply skew transformations.


Current Animation: stopped


originX, originY, originZ - Set the origin for transformations.

Positioning Properties

Control the position and size of elements

top, left, right, bottom - Set the position of absolutely positioned elements.

width, height - Animate the dimensions of elements.

Width and Height

Current Animation: stopped



Control the transparency of elements

opacity - Fade elements in and out.


Current Animation: stopped


Color and Background

Animate colors and backgrounds

backgroundColor, color - Change background and text colors.

Background Color

Current Animation: stopped


borderColor, borderWidth, borderRadius - Animate border properties.

boxShadow - Create dynamic shadow effects.

Box Shadow

Current Animation: stopped


Layout Properties

Useful for animating flex container children

flexGrow, flexShrink, order - Animate flexbox properties.

3D and Perspective

Create depth and 3D effects

perspective, perspectiveOrigin, transformPerspective - Control 3D transformations.

Filter Effects

Apply and animate CSS filters

blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, hueRotate, invert, saturate, sepia - Create various visual effects.


Current Animation: stopped


Other Visual Properties

Additional properties for diverse animations

zIndex - Animate stacking order.

backgroundSize, backgroundPosition - Animate background images.

SVG-Specific Properties

SVG elements offer a rich canvas for creating intricate animations, and Framer Motion integrates seamlessly with them. Let’s look at an example of animating an SVG pattern—like the Flower of Life example below —with staggered circle animations. This can be especially useful for adding subtle depth and visual engagement to your interface.

pathLength, pathOffset - Control SVG path animations.

strokeWidth, stroke, fill - Animate SVG styling.

cx, cy, r - Animate circle properties.

points - Animate polygon and polyline shapes.

clipPath - Create shape-based animations.

Animated Flower of Life

The Animated Flower of Life component demonstrates the power and flexibility of Framer Motion when working with SVG animations in Remix and React. It takes the sacred geometry pattern known as the Flower of Life and brings it to life with subtle, mesmerizing animations.

SVG Geometry - The component uses SVG to create a perfect Flower of Life pattern, consisting of seven intersecting circles. This demonstrates precise control over SVG elements and their positioning.

Framer Motion Integration - It transforms static SVG elements into dynamic, animated shapes. This showcases how easily Framer Motion integrates with SVG in React applications.

Pulsing Animation - Each circle in the pattern gently pulses, scaling slightly larger and becoming more opaque before returning to its original state. This creates a breathing effect that draws the viewer's attention.

Staggered Animation - The surrounding circles start their animations with a slight delay relative to each other, creating a ripple effect that adds depth and interest to the overall animation.

Customizable Properties - The component allows for easy customization of colors, sizes, and animation parameters, making it adaptable for various design needs.

Responsive Design - The SVG viewBox and size settings ensure that the Flower of Life scales appropriately across different screen sizes.

This example serves as an excellent demonstration of how Framer Motion can be used to create complex, visually appealing animations with SVG in React. It combines mathematical precision in SVG creation with the fluid animation capabilities of Framer Motion, resulting in a captivating visual element that can enhance any user interface or serve as a standalone artistic component.

Transition Properties

Fine-tune how animations behave

duration, delay - Control timing.

type - The type of animation, which can be 'tween' for standard keyframe-based animation or 'spring' for physics-based movement.

ease - Defines the rate of change in the animation over time, determining how the animation transitions between its start and end points.

stiffness, damping, mass, velocity - Parameters that customize the spring animations. Higher stiffness makes the spring more rigid, while damping controls how quickly the spring comes to rest.

repeat, repeatType, repeatDelay - Control animation repetition.

The Transition Property Playground component below is a powerful and interactive tool designed to help developers and designers understand and experiment with Framer Motion's animation capabilities. This versatile playground brings animation properties to life, allowing users to visualize the effects of various settings in real-time.

Transition Property Playground











Repeat Count

Repeat Type

Repeat Delay


Interactive Animation Controls - Users can adjust a wide range of animation properties, including duration, delay, ease, and more, seeing the effects instantly.

Tween vs Spring Animations - The component allows switching between tween and spring animation types, showcasing the unique characteristics of each.

Spring Physics Parameters - When in spring mode, users can fine-tune stiffness, damping, mass, and velocity to understand how these physics properties affect motion.

Repeat and Timing Options - Experiment with different repeat counts, repeat types (loop, reverse, mirror), and repeat delays to create complex animation sequences.

The Transition Property Playground not only demonstrates the flexibility of Framer Motion but also serves as an invaluable learning tool. By allowing users to manipulate various animation parameters and instantly see the results, it bridges the gap between theory and practice in web animation.


Orchestrating Multiple Animations

One of the strengths of useAnimation is its ability to control multiple components simultaneously. Here's an example.

Multiple Animations

In this example, both boxes will scale up and then rotate when the button is clicked. This demonstrates how a single AnimationControls instance can orchestrate animations across multiple components.

Chaining Animations

Creating complex sequences of animations is where useAnimation really shines. Let's look at a more intricate example.

Bouncing Ball

This example creates a ball that, when the "Bounce" button is clicked, falls, compresses slightly on impact, and then bounces back up. The bounce function chains multiple animations to create this realistic effect

Conditional Animations

useAnimation shines when you need to trigger animations based on certain conditions. Here's a real-world scenario.

Animated Badge


This component creates a notification badge that briefly scales up whenever the count changes to a non-zero value, drawing the user's attention.


Real-World Examples of useAnimation in Action

While understanding the core concepts of useAnimation is essential, seeing how it applies in practical scenarios truly highlights its power. In this section, we'll explore several real-world examples where useAnimation can enhance user interactions, create dynamic visual feedback, and add subtle but impactful polish to your web applications.

Examples such as interactive navigation menus and animated charts and buttons show how to use the fine-grained control offered by useAnimation, demonstrating how you can orchestrate complex animation sequences, react to user input, and bring static components to life.

Let’s explore how to apply these animations in everyday applications to make your interfaces more engaging and enjoyable.

Animated Submit Button

Animated Submit Button

For users, it's often the small details that make a big difference. This SubmitButton component is a perfect example of how a simple element can be transformed into an engaging, informative, and beneficial user interface feature.

State-Aware Animations - Utilizing Framer Motion, the button smoothly transitions between states, providing visual feedback for user actions.

Interactive Feedback - A subtle scale animation occurs on click, giving users immediate tactile-like feedback.

Progress Indication - The button text changes to 'Submitting...' during the process, keeping users informed of the ongoing action.

Success State - Upon completion, the button transforms both in color and text, clearly indicating a successful submission.

Disabled State Handling - The button becomes unclickable during submission, preventing duplicate requests.

Why It Matters

Reduced Perceived Wait Times - Keeps the user engaged during processing, reducing the perceived wait time.

Clear Visual Cues - Provides clear visual cues about the submission status, enhancing user confidence.

Professional Touch - Adds a touch of polish and professionalism to your application.

Animated Navigation Menu

Animated Menu

This example creates a sliding navigation menu that can be toggled open and closed with smooth spring animations. The AnimatedMenu component brings a touch of elegance to web navigation.

Key Features:

Spring-based animations for natural, fluid movement

Toggle functionality for easy open/close actions

Fully responsive design, adapting to various screen sizes

Customizable menu items with icons for enhanced visual appeal

Perfect for mobile-first designs or as a space-saving navigation solution for any web application, the AnimatedMenu combines functionality with style. Its use of `useAnimation` and `variants` demonstrates advanced Framer Motion techniques, resulting in a polished, professional user interface element.

By transforming a standard navigation menu into an interactive, animated component, AnimatedMenu elevates the user experience, making site navigation not just functional, but enjoyable. It's a prime example of how subtle animations can significantly enhance the feel and usability of a web application.

Animated Bar Chart

Animated Bar Chart

No data available

The AnimatedBarChart component is a sleek, interactive data visualization tool built with React and Framer Motion. This dynamic chart breathes life into your data, transforming static numbers into an engaging visual story.

Key Features:

Smooth, staggered animations that draw the viewer's attention

Responsive design that adapts to various screen sizes

Customizable X and Y axis labels for clear data context

Gradient styling for enhanced visual appeal

Built-in error handling for robustness

This type of component could be extremely useful for:

Financial Dashboards - Visualize monthly revenue, expenses, or profit margins with animated bars that grow as the fiscal year progresses.

Health and Fitness Apps - Display workout statistics or daily step counts, motivating users with vibrant, growing bars representing their progress.

E-commerce Analytics - Show product sales trends over time, helping merchants quickly identify best-selling items or peak sales periods.

Social Media Insights - Illustrate engagement metrics like likes, shares, or comments across different posts or platforms.

Environmental Monitoring - Present data on air quality, water usage, or energy consumption, making complex environmental data more accessible to the public.

Educational Tools - Create interactive lessons on statistics or data analysis, allowing students to input data and see real-time visualizations.

Project Management - Display task completion rates or resource allocation across different project phases, providing stakeholders with an at-a-glance project status.

The AnimatedBarChart component transforms raw data into an intuitive, visually appealing format. By using the power of animations, it not only presents information but also engages users, making data interpretation a more interactive and pleasant experience.



Framer Motion's useAnimation hook opens up a world of possibilities for creating engaging, dynamic user interfaces in React applications. Throughout this guide, we've explored the power and versatility of useAnimation, from its basic concepts to advanced techniques and real-world applications.

We've seen how useAnimation allows for fine-grained control over animations, enabling developers to create complex sequences, coordinate multiple elements, and respond dynamically to user interactions.

Key Takeaways:

The flexibility of useAnimation in creating both simple and complex animation sequences

The importance of understanding and utilizing various animation properties for creating polished UI elements

The impact of thoughtful animations on user experience and engagement

The versatility of Framer Motion in handling different types of animations, from SVG to layout changes

As you continue to explore Framer Motion and useAnimation, remember that the most effective animations are those that enhance user experience without overwhelming it. Experiment with the techniques and examples provided, and don't be afraid to push the boundaries of what's possible in web animation.

By mastering useAnimation and Framer Motion, you're well-equipped to create web applications that not only function flawlessly but also delight users with smooth, engaging interactions. Happy animating!

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